the wishes are yours.
Different hoof.
Blaser - Sako
pistol hoof.
Walnut wood.
The front part
folding rifle .
Why Detail Wood is the
best choice
With a beautiful appreciation from idea to implementation in a short time, we design and manufacture high quallity wooden products where metal and plastic prevail....

choice of wood
We are on top and know how to choose high quality wood from around the world that is chopped at the right time, so we can claim the quality that has been shown over the years...
The begining of designing
How to properly advise the client. Pencil and paper project for better gear...
Computer designing
Make a project drawn on paper or scanned with a 3D scanner the correct model until the machine produces a 3D model...
Shipping info
We provide carefree delivery when an order is placed and verified. After the shippment has been made, we will email your tracking number...
Our partners
Many years of professional partners with heart and soul..